Kiwanis clubs and members conduct service projects. They hold fundraisers. They donate to the Kiwanis Children’s Fund. They change children’s lives in their own communities and through international initiatives — helping young people develop mentally, physically and emotionally
Every year, Kiwanis members stage more than 241,000 service projects and raise nearly US$340 million for children, families and communities around the world. Kiwanis club projects are based on the community’s needs — we build playgrounds, purchase medical equipment, stuff backpacks with school supplies, restock libraries and much more. The average Kiwanian makes an impact on the lives of 106 children.
The Kiwanis family includes members of all ages and abilities. In addition to Kiwanis clubs for adults who serve kids, we offer Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs (SLPs). Our SLPs are Key Club International for high school students, Circle K International for college and university students, K-Kids for elementary school students, Builders Club for middle school students and Aktion Club for adults with disabilities.
SLPs are leadership and character-building programs hosted in a school or community agency and often sponsored by a Kiwanis club or another civic organization. Kiwanis International offers resources and support to help anyone open SLP clubs wherever there is a need and opportunity in their communities.
Since the first Key Club was founded in 1925, millions of SLP members have been inspired to lead lives of service and significance.
CKI empowers college students through service to local and global communities. In CKI, you’ll work with other passionate students to develop leadership skills and make lifelong friendships, all in an inclusive and supportive environment.
Key Club is a student-led high school organization. Our members make the world a better place through service. In doing so, they grow as individuals and as leaders by answering the call to lead, summoning the courage to engage and developing the heart to serve.
Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities, with more than 10,000 members worldwide. Club members become competent, capable, caring leaders through the vehicle of service.
For middle years/middle school students, Builders Club helps members develop self-awareness as they discover their passion to serve, their desire to lead and their ability to engage and collaborate with others.
K-Kids is the largest service organization for elementary school students, with more than 1,200 clubs worldwide. Club members discover their passion to serve, desire to lead and their ability to engage and collaborate with others.
What We Do
Kiwanis clubs and members conduct service projects. They hold fundraisers. They donate to the Kiwanis Children’s Fund. They change children’s lives in their own communities and through international initiatives — helping young people develop mentally, physically and emotionally
Every year, Kiwanis members stage more than 241,000 service projects and raise nearly US$340 million for children, families and communities around the world. Kiwanis club projects are based on the community’s needs — we build playgrounds, purchase medical equipment, stuff backpacks with school supplies, restock libraries and much more. The average Kiwanian makes an impact on the lives of 106 children.
The Kiwanis family includes members of all ages and abilities. In addition to Kiwanis clubs for adults who serve kids, we offer Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs (SLPs). Our SLPs are Key Club International for high school students, Circle K International for college and university students, K-Kids for elementary school students, Builders Club for middle school students and Aktion Club for adults with disabilities.
SLPs are leadership and character-building programs hosted in a school or community agency and often sponsored by a Kiwanis club or another civic organization. Kiwanis International offers resources and support to help anyone open SLP clubs wherever there is a need and opportunity in their communities.
Since the first Key Club was founded in 1925, millions of SLP members have been inspired to lead lives of service and significance.
Circle K International
CKI empowers college students through service to local and global communities. In CKI, you’ll work with other passionate students to develop leadership skills and make lifelong friendships, all in an inclusive and supportive environment.
Key Club
Key Club is a student-led high school organization. Our members make the world a better place through service. In doing so, they grow as individuals and as leaders by answering the call to lead, summoning the courage to engage and developing the heart to serve.
Aktion Club
Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities, with more than 10,000 members worldwide. Club members become competent, capable, caring leaders through the vehicle of service.
Builders Club
For middle years/middle school students, Builders Club helps members develop self-awareness as they discover their passion to serve, their desire to lead and their ability to engage and collaborate with others.
K-Kids is the largest service organization for elementary school students, with more than 1,200 clubs worldwide. Club members discover their passion to serve, desire to lead and their ability to engage and collaborate with others.
Alumni Connection
Our alumni network helps those who loved their Key Club and CKI experience stay connected, get involved and give back.
Are you ready to join us? Contact us or apply for Kiwanis club membership here
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