Kiwanis Amplify is back!

Registration is now open for Kiwanis Amplify 2025 . The program is designed for anyone who wants to improve their abililty to lead a team, within Kiwanis and beyond. Participants dive into eight leadership topics, interact with fellow participants and more — all while working through the material at their own pace. Last year alone, participants represented 30 countries from 44 Kiwanis districts. In fact, 42% of those participants had joined Kiwanis within the 18 months prior to the program’s start — so it’s clearly a great way to introduce newer members to the benefits of Kiwanis. Spread the word. And sign up today!


The 2025 Signature Project Contest is now open! From now through January 30, your club can enter our ninth annual contest — with the possibility of being recognized at the 2025 Kiwanis International Convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S., June 25-28.

The online contest entry form is at the bottom of this page. Each club’s entry will be sent to its district for judging. The district will then select the Group I and/or Group II projects to be entered into the 2025 Signature Project Contest. Clubs with 27 members or fewer will be judged in the Group I category. Clubs with 28 members or more will be judged in Group II.

Each group will be judged separately, with the top 10 finalists determined for each group. The top three selections from each group will be recognized as the gold, silver and bronze winners at the Kiwanis International convention. The winning projects in each group will be awarded US$2,000, $1,500 and $1,000 respectively.

The Kiwanis International Board Committee on Service and Partnerships will review qualifying submissions and select the finalists, who will be recognized at the 2025 Kiwanis International Convention, where the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for each group will be announced. Finalists will be notified of their selection in time to take advantage of any discounted early registration rates.

What is a signature project?

Think about what your Kiwanis club is known for in your community. It can be a service project or a fundraiser. Signature projects:

    • Are recurring. (Note: A new project can qualify as a signature project if the intent is to continue the project.)
    • Enhance the Kiwanis image.
    • Demonstrate significant impact on the community in terms of monies raised or children served.
    • Strengthen membership and partnership opportunities.

While the district should determine how to select its club-level Group I and Group II submissions, the project should follow the outlined criteria.

The contest opens January 7 and submissions are accepted through January 30.

See the questions that will be asked on the online submission form.

Read the contest rules.

2025 Kiwanis International Convention

We’re thrilled to announce that Henry Winkler, beloved for his role as “The Fonz” on the classic TV show “Happy Days,” will be the keynote speaker at the 2025 Kiwanis International Convention! Winkler is a passionate advocate for children with learning challenges — a mission rooted in his personal journey with undiagnosed dyslexia.

This is a special opportunity to hear from a Hollywood legend who has used his platform to make a difference in the lives of countless children. Join us at the Kiwanis International convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S., to be inspired by Henry Winkler’s story.


Annual Club Elections Reminder

The Kiwanis International Bylaws require that clubs hold annual meetings that include the election of 2024-25 officers by May 15. Each officer and director (and each nominee for the same) must be a member in good standing with the club. Any qualified, consenting member may be nominated either in advance or from the floor, according to club policy.

Other than the immediate past president, all officers and directors — including the secretary, unless appointed — will be elected at the club’s annual meeting by a majority vote, following a process provided in club policy. The president, immediate past president, president-elect, treasurer, secretary and vice president(s), (if any) will serve one-year or two-year terms as provided in club policy, beginning October 1 of each year. Directors may serve up to three-year terms, as provided in club policy, with each term beginning on October 1 after election. Online elections are permitted; follow these guidelines  to conduct elections through an online voting website or app.

Club secretaries should report the results of any midyear changes and the election of 2024-25 officers through the Secretary Dashboard.

What You Need to Know

Watch this recording of a Lunch with Leaders discussing the proposed dues increase that will be voted on at International Convention in Denver.
