Kathleen Welle, Kiwanis International Children’s Fund District Chair
As the fundraising arm of the Kiwanis family, the Kiwanis International Children’s Fund is the source of funding that underwrites initiatives undertaken by Kiwanis around the world.
From the humble beginnings in 1939, the Children’s Fund has become a catalyst and a conduit for grants to thousands of Kiwanis family organizations and programs. Each Kiwanian worldwide is a member of the Kiwanis International Children’s Fund; the strength of the Fund is linked to every person proud to be called a Kiwanian.
The Children’s Fund primary source of income is philanthropic support from individual members and clubs of Kiwanis International. The Kiwanis International Children’s Fund seeks to balance the meaningful philanthropic efforts of clubs and districts with broader and longer term perspective. The Children’s Fund undergirds club and district efforts with endowment funds that provide a base of fiscal and organizational stability. The current endowment of approximately $5 million is relatively small to support an organization of Kiwanis family’s size and influence and presents a barrier to future growth.
Kids need Kiwanis: Introducing the Possibilities Project
Through the Kiwanis Children’s Fund, US$2.25 addresses the needs of one child. Imagine the possibilities if we raised US$25 million — enough for Kiwanis clubs and members to serve 10 million children around the world. That’s the goal of The Possibility Project. Join the first fundraising campaign that solely supports Kiwanis and the children we serve.
Kiwanis International’s ongoing commitment to the world’s children is perhaps best reflected in its wide range of initiatives for youth, young adults and citizens with disabilities. Kiwanis serves the children of the world through: Key Club International, the world’s largest high School service organization, Circle K International is among the largest university-level service organization in the world, Builders Club provides junior high students to help others, serve the school and community and build a positive future, Aktion Club made up of adults who live with a disability develop initiative and leadership skills as they serve their community and prepare for useful citizenship, K-Kids are children ages 6-12 and can incorporate the BUG (bring up your grades) program and the Terrific Kids program. The Key Leader program was founded in 2004 for high schools students to give them an exciting, intensive weekend leadership experience and World Education Projects. Each year, thousands of educators, students and administrators across the globe seek to meet educational needs through philanthropy. Such needs include computer equipment in Romania, educational operational program funds in Switzerland, student scholarships in Japan and the United States, classroom renovation and construction in the Philippines, books and classroom resources in Africa and class room teacher salaries in Latin America.
Remember, we can change the world one child and one community at a time.
Kiwanis Children’s Fund
Kathleen Welle, Kiwanis International Children’s Fund District Chair
As the fundraising arm of the Kiwanis family, the Kiwanis International Children’s Fund is the source of funding that underwrites initiatives undertaken by Kiwanis around the world.
From the humble beginnings in 1939, the Children’s Fund has become a catalyst and a conduit for grants to thousands of Kiwanis family organizations and programs. Each Kiwanian worldwide is a member of the Kiwanis International Children’s Fund; the strength of the Fund is linked to every person proud to be called a Kiwanian.
The Children’s Fund primary source of income is philanthropic support from individual members and clubs of Kiwanis International. The Kiwanis International Children’s Fund seeks to balance the meaningful philanthropic efforts of clubs and districts with broader and longer term perspective. The Children’s Fund undergirds club and district efforts with endowment funds that provide a base of fiscal and organizational stability. The current endowment of approximately $5 million is relatively small to support an organization of Kiwanis family’s size and influence and presents a barrier to future growth.
Kids need Kiwanis: Introducing the Possibilities Project
Through the Kiwanis Children’s Fund, US$2.25 addresses the needs of one child. Imagine the possibilities if we raised US$25 million — enough for Kiwanis clubs and members to serve 10 million children around the world. That’s the goal of The Possibility Project. Join the first fundraising campaign that solely supports Kiwanis and the children we serve.
Kiwanis International’s ongoing commitment to the world’s children is perhaps best reflected in its wide range of initiatives for youth, young adults and citizens with disabilities. Kiwanis serves the children of the world through: Key Club International, the world’s largest high School service organization, Circle K International is among the largest university-level service organization in the world, Builders Club provides junior high students to help others, serve the school and community and build a positive future, Aktion Club made up of adults who live with a disability develop initiative and leadership skills as they serve their community and prepare for useful citizenship, K-Kids are children ages 6-12 and can incorporate the BUG (bring up your grades) program and the Terrific Kids program. The Key Leader program was founded in 2004 for high schools students to give them an exciting, intensive weekend leadership experience and World Education Projects. Each year, thousands of educators, students and administrators across the globe seek to meet educational needs through philanthropy. Such needs include computer equipment in Romania, educational operational program funds in Switzerland, student scholarships in Japan and the United States, classroom renovation and construction in the Philippines, books and classroom resources in Africa and class room teacher salaries in Latin America.
Remember, we can change the world one child and one community at a time.
For more information visit Kiwanis Children’s Fund Webpage or contact:
Kathleen Welle
Facebook Page
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