Minnesota Dakotas 108th District Convention Willmar MN August 8-10 2025
Budget now to send delegates from your club and check here for more information. See you there!
Convention was a success and below are the highlights:
Our 107th Annual Convention was held in Watertown, SD from August 9th to the 11th. We had 161 members, guests, Key Club members and Circle K members gather to conduct business, catch up with old friends, make new friends and have some fun.
We were joined this year by Scott Sims, International Trustee, as our Counselor for the next year. Scott is from Birmingham, Alabama, U.S., was elected to a three-year term as a trustee of Kiwanis International during the 2024 Kiwanis International Convention in Denver, Colorado, U.S. He serves as a trustee for the United States and Pacific Canada regions of Kiwanis. He presented two forums during the convention, one about working with Service Leadership Programs and one on building new clubs. When he was Governor of Alabama District, he worked with his team to build one new club in each division. He challenged us to do the same and Governor Carol Nitschke and her team of Lt Governors accepted that challenge. You will hear more in the near future.
Our Keynote Speaker on Friday, Ty Eschembaum hit a real cord with many of us when he talked about his life experiences with life threatening illnesses and losing people close to him. Many in the audience were moved to tears.
The Ty Eschembaum Foundation helps child survivors of cancer with college scholarships so his mission is a real fit for Kiwanis. The Mitchell club’s shirt sale proceeds are being donated to his foundation along with additional funds from the district. You can learn more about the great work they do at tyefoundation.org.
Division Star Awards were distributed at the Awards Luncheon on Saturday.
Steve Handegaard, 2022-23 Governor awarded 20 clubs the Distinguished Club Award for his year as Governor. These clubs met the following criteria:
o Timely submission of Club Monthly and other reports o Membership stability efforts o Improving the club experience o Support of Service Leadership Programs o Financial support of the KI Children’s Fund and Minnesota-Dakotas Outreach Fund
Kiwanis Club of Albert Lea Golden K
Kiwanis Club of Austin Early Risers
Kiwanis Club of Carrinton
Kiwanis Club of Clear Lake
Kiwanis Club of Early Risers of Worthington
Kiwanis Club of Grafton
Kiwanis Club of Harvey
Kiwanis Club of Hendricks
Kiwanis Club of Hibbing
Kiwanis Club of Huron
Kiwanis Club of Jackson
Kiwanis Club of Madison
Kiwanis Club of Mankato
Kiwanis Club of Mitchell
Kiwanis Club of North Suburban St Paul
Kiwanis Club of Redwing Dawn Breakers
Kiwanis Club of Rochester Golden K
Kiwanis Club of Stillwater Area
Kiwanis Club of Sturgis Golden K
Kiwanis Club of Valley City
There was also district business conducted which is mandated by Kiwanis International. The Boards for both the current year (2023-24) and next year (2024-25) met. The minutes for both are available for your review HERE scroll down to District Governance.
And finally on Sunday the Annual Memorial Service honored all those Kiwanians we lost over this last year.
Below are some pictures of the FUN and business proceedings. Enjoy! NOTE: If you have some pictures you want to share, email them to [email protected] we’d love to see them.
District Convention
Minnesota Dakotas 108th District Convention Willmar MN August 8-10 2025
Budget now to send delegates from your club and check here for more information. See you there!
Convention was a success and below are the highlights:
Our 107th Annual Convention was held in Watertown, SD from August 9th to the 11th. We had 161 members, guests, Key Club members and Circle K members gather to conduct business, catch up with old friends, make new friends and have some fun.
We were joined this year by Scott Sims, International Trustee, as our Counselor for the next year. Scott is from Birmingham, Alabama, U.S., was elected to a three-year term as a trustee of Kiwanis International during the 2024 Kiwanis International Convention in Denver, Colorado, U.S. He serves as a trustee for the United States and Pacific Canada regions of Kiwanis. He presented two forums during the convention, one about working with Service Leadership Programs and one on building new clubs. When he was Governor of Alabama District, he worked with his team to build one new club in each division. He challenged us to do the same and Governor Carol Nitschke and her team of Lt Governors accepted that challenge. You will hear more in the near future.
Our Keynote Speaker on Friday, Ty Eschembaum hit a real cord with many of us when he talked about his life experiences with life threatening illnesses and losing people close to him. Many in the audience were moved to tears.
The Ty Eschembaum Foundation helps child survivors of cancer with college scholarships so his mission is a real fit for Kiwanis. The Mitchell club’s shirt sale proceeds are being donated to his foundation along with additional funds from the district. You can learn more about the great work they do at tyefoundation.org.
Division Star Awards were distributed at the Awards Luncheon on Saturday.
Steve Handegaard, 2022-23 Governor awarded 20 clubs the Distinguished Club Award for his year as Governor. These clubs met the following criteria:
o Timely submission of Club Monthly and other
o Membership stability efforts
o Improving the club experience
o Support of Service Leadership Programs
o Financial support of the KI Children’s Fund and
Minnesota-Dakotas Outreach Fund
There was also district business conducted which is mandated by Kiwanis International. The Boards for both the current year (2023-24) and next year (2024-25) met. The minutes for both are available for your review HERE scroll down to District Governance.
And finally on Sunday the Annual Memorial Service honored all those Kiwanians we lost over this last year.
Below are some pictures of the FUN and business proceedings. Enjoy! NOTE: If you have some pictures you want to share, email them to [email protected] we’d love to see them.
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Fireside Chats w Lt Gov teams
Division 1 Zoom Mtg
Exec Team Meetings
Cindy Braseth is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 435 371 9346
Passcode: 590625
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Club Opening Training
Club Coaching Training
Fireside Chats w Lt Gov teams