The Minnesota- Dakotas District of Kiwanis International has over 2600 members within the International organization ranging from 300,000 members in more than 70 nations. Kiwanians are men and women volunteers dedicated to improving the world “One Child and one Community at a time” Although this is our motto, we help many children and many communities through our 109 Clubs across Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
For more than a century, Kiwanis has created opportunities for children to be curious, safe and healthy regardless of the community in which they live. When you give a child the chance to learn, experience, dream, grow, succeed and thrive, great things can happen.
Our Slogan is “Serving the children of the World” with our main emphasis serving children from 0-18 years of age. We support Kiwanis Kids clubs (elementary students), Builder’s Club (middle school students), Key Club (high school students) and Circle K (college students). We also support Aktion clubs for adults with disabilities. All these programs allow children and young people to grow in their leadership skills, character, and learning more about themselves and their community which leads them to providing a valuable service within those communities.
Service is our most important goal. Our service is determined by the needs of our community. Just to name a few service projects, they consist of building and maintaining parks, playgrounds and swimming pools; working to aide in hospitals and long term care facilities; serving and managing food pantries, supplying food for the back pack program; and providing clothing and shoes for the less fortunate. Many communities would struggle without Kiwanis as we add VALUE in every community we are in.
Membership in Kiwanis allows for opportunities to serve, learn more about hands-on service, become a role model for young people, learn skills to interact with members of your community and contribute to the improvement of your community and of course – HAVE FUN.
Please explore our Website regularly for up-to-date information and OUR MONTHLY NEWS in our MINNEKOTAN. Be informed about what is happening in Kiwanis. Thank you and enjoy your tour.
Bradley Knudson, District Governor 2023-2024
District Executive Leadership 2024-2025
Governor: Carol Nitschke, Mandan Kiwanis Club
Governor Elect: John Rheinberger, Stillwater Area Kiwanis Club
Immediate Past Governor: Bradley Knudson, Turtle Mountains Kiwanis Club
Secretary/Treasurer: Cynthia Braseth, MNDAK Eclub Kiwanis Club
Kiwanis empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children. Kiwanis strives to be a positive influence in communities worldwide — so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive. Our Kiwanis clubs fulfill the Kiwanis mission by serving our community through Kiwanis Community Service Projects
Kiwanis Service
Service is at the heart of every Kiwanis club, no matter where in the world it’s located. Members stage approximately 150,000 service projects and raise nearly US$100 million every year for communities, families and projects. By working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone.
Our Kiwanis clubs focus on changing the world by serving children, one child in our community at a time. To reach more people and have a greater service impact on their communities, many clubs sponsor a Kiwanis family club — K-Kids for primary school children; Builders Clubs for adolescents; Key Clubs for teens; Circle K clubs for university students and Aktion Clubs for adults living with disabilities.
Join Us
Are you ready to help create communities that let all children thrive, prosper and grow? It’s pretty easy to do! Simply contact uswith your questions and apply for Kiwanis club membership here.
The kids in your community and the world are counting on you!
About Us
The Minnesota- Dakotas District of Kiwanis International has over 2600 members within the International organization ranging from 300,000 members in more than 70 nations. Kiwanians are men and women volunteers dedicated to improving the world “One Child and one Community at a time” Although this is our motto, we help many children and many communities through our 109 Clubs across Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
For more than a century, Kiwanis has created opportunities for children to be curious, safe and healthy regardless of the community in which they live. When you give a child the chance to learn, experience, dream, grow, succeed and thrive, great things can happen.
Our Slogan is “Serving the children of the World” with our main emphasis serving children from 0-18 years of age. We support Kiwanis Kids clubs (elementary students), Builder’s Club (middle school students), Key Club (high school students) and Circle K (college students). We also support Aktion clubs for adults with disabilities. All these programs allow children and young people to grow in their leadership skills, character, and learning more about themselves and their community which leads them to providing a valuable service within those communities.
Service is our most important goal. Our service is determined by the needs of our community. Just to name a few service projects, they consist of building and maintaining parks, playgrounds and swimming pools; working to aide in hospitals and long term care facilities; serving and managing food pantries, supplying food for the back pack program; and providing clothing and shoes for the less fortunate. Many communities would struggle without Kiwanis as we add VALUE in every community we are in.
Membership in Kiwanis allows for opportunities to serve, learn more about hands-on service, become a role model for young people, learn skills to interact with members of your community and contribute to the improvement of your community and of course – HAVE FUN.
Please explore our Website regularly for up-to-date information and OUR MONTHLY NEWS in our MINNEKOTAN. Be informed about what is happening in Kiwanis. Thank you and enjoy your tour.
Bradley Knudson, District Governor 2023-2024
District Executive Leadership 2024-2025
Full Leadership Listing HERE
The Kiwanis Mission & Vision
Kiwanis empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children. Kiwanis strives to be a positive influence in communities worldwide — so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive. Our Kiwanis clubs fulfill the Kiwanis mission by serving our community through Kiwanis Community Service Projects
Kiwanis Service
Service is at the heart of every Kiwanis club, no matter where in the world it’s located. Members stage approximately 150,000 service projects and raise nearly US$100 million every year for communities, families and projects. By working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone.
Our Kiwanis clubs focus on changing the world by serving children, one child in our community at a time. To reach more people and have a greater service impact on their communities, many clubs sponsor a Kiwanis family club — K-Kids for primary school children; Builders Clubs for adolescents; Key Clubs for teens; Circle K clubs for university students and Aktion Clubs for adults living with disabilities.
Join Us
Are you ready to help create communities that let all children thrive, prosper and grow? It’s pretty easy to do! Simply contact us with your questions and apply for Kiwanis club membership here.
The kids in your community and the world are counting on you!
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