The Kiwanis International Bylaws require that clubs hold annual meetings that include the election of 2024-25 officers by May 15. Each officer and director (and each nominee for the same) must be a member in good standing with the club. Any qualified, consenting member may be nominated either in advance or from the floor, according to club policy.
Other than the immediate past president, all officers and directors — including the secretary, unless appointed — will be elected at the club’s annual meeting by a majority vote, following a process provided in club policy. The president, immediate past president, president-elect, treasurer, secretary and vice president(s), (if any) will serve one-year or two-year terms as provided in club policy, beginning October 1 of each year. Directors may serve up to three-year terms, as provided in club policy, with each term beginning on October 1 after election. Online elections are permitted; follow these guidelines to conduct elections through an online voting website or app.
Club secretaries should report the results of any midyear changes and the election of 2024-25 officers through the Secretary Dashboard. LEARN MORE
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Last Updated: April 3, 2024 by Cindy Braseth
Annual Club Elections Reminder
The Kiwanis International Bylaws require that clubs hold annual meetings that include the election of 2024-25 officers by May 15. Each officer and director (and each nominee for the same) must be a member in good standing with the club. Any qualified, consenting member may be nominated either in advance or from the floor, according to club policy.
Other than the immediate past president, all officers and directors — including the secretary, unless appointed — will be elected at the club’s annual meeting by a majority vote, following a process provided in club policy. The president, immediate past president, president-elect, treasurer, secretary and vice president(s), (if any) will serve one-year or two-year terms as provided in club policy, beginning October 1 of each year. Directors may serve up to three-year terms, as provided in club policy, with each term beginning on October 1 after election. Online elections are permitted; follow these guidelines to conduct elections through an online voting website or app.
Club secretaries should report the results of any midyear changes and the election of 2024-25 officers through the Secretary Dashboard.
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